Maple’s Musings.
The Full Moon in Libra
The Full Moon in Libra on April 16, 2022 is a gorgeous and supportive full moon that may bring some changes or nudge us further into growth (versus complacency). It’s packed with lots of love and wisdom to help us see what we need to do in order to be our best selves, live our best lives, and show up as our best for others. As you work with this energy, tie in compassion and unconditional love for yourselves and others while you practice healthy boundaries and accountability.
Full Moon in Capricorn
There is more to life than “work” (labor) but indeed there is a time and place; today is a day that we call our focus to that aspect of life and understand our work/labor is a way to provide and care for ourselves and others.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius
Right on our doorstep is the total lunar (full moon) eclipse in Sagittarius. It will be exact at 6:14am central time at 5°26’ Sagittarius on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. The full moon in Sagittarius will be with the South Node, opposing the Sun and North Node in Gemini - a great combo for being open to releasing the old to make room for the new. This will be a continuation of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle that began in June of 2020.
Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini
Full Moon in Aqaurius
The full moon in Aquarius brings us lessons in authenticity and individuality. How will you release patterns that equal conformity and choose to set yourself apart?