The Full Moon in Libra

on Saturday, April 16, 2022

The full moon in Libra takes place on Saturday, April 16 at 1:55pm central time. The moon reaches fullness at 26° Libra (with the Sun at 26° Aries). Find where you have these signs/degrees in your natal chart - these houses/areas of life will be illuminated for you around the time of this full moon (you’ve likely already felt it!).


The Sun has been transiting through the sign of Aries for the past few weeks, lighting up the area of life (house) that Aries resides in each of our birth charts, showing us where we may experience (or desire) a lot of independence, freedom, autonomy, authority, risk-taking, passion, or perhaps where we’ve been experiencing a lot of conflict or hyper-individuality. As the full moon peaks on Saturday afternoon, the light that the Moon reflects from the Sun will illuminate the shadows that counterbalance the energy & themes that the Sun has been igniting for us over the past few weeks. The full moon in Libra asks, “where can we gain better balance or harmony?” Revelations and insights may appear as the moon sheds light on things that were once in the dark or unclear. In addition, Mercury will be conjunct Uranus in Taurus at the time of this full moon, potentially bringing realizations and ah-ha moments that contribute to greater wisdom (And perhaps even more of that full moon wildness!).

The planetary ruler of this full moon is Venus (as Venus rules Libra). Venus is currently in Pisces, setting the tone for what this Venusian lunation will bring. Here we have big themes of looking at selflessness/self-sacrifice, deep relationship connections, & boundaries or a lack-there-of. With Libra/Venus being the archetypal signature of relationships, we might be looking at what our *ideal ideas and desires* of romance or partnership is as it compares to the reality of our current relationship dynamics. We may see how self-sacrifice or being overly selfless in relationships can work against us (or how we may take advantage of others that do this), and/or how we rely on others to determine our value or self-worth. Alternatively, we may see how the presence of softness, compassion, and unconditional love, understanding, and non-judgment bring in deeper connection and beautiful healing into our relationships with others AND our relationship with ourselves (do you show yourself the same compassion and non-judgment that you show to others? If not, how can you return this type of love back onto yourself?).

Pluto is forming a t-square to the lunation (a dynamic 90° angle to both the Sun and Moon). The Aries-Libra axis speaks to individuality, the Self, and independence VERSUS connection, relationships, and dependency. Struggles between these two polarities may be more apparent at this time. With conscious effort and a willingness to take an honest but constructive look at ourselves, this lunation can help us transform our relationship with ourselves (how can you gain more self-confidence and healthy personal power and agency?) and thus help us transform our relationship with others (and vice-versa). It’s a time where we look at the connection between our relationship with ourselves and how it reflects upon our relationships with others.

The Full Moon will trine Saturn in Aquarius, helping to ground and solidify, which is helpful due to all the wispy and flow-y Pisces energy occurring at the time of this lunation (Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Neptune in Pisces). Saturn is at home in Aquarius and finds appreciation in the sign of Libra, so with the Moon forming a supportive trine to the planet of accountability, discipline, lessons, and structure as it reaches fullness, this may help us take a realistic and honest look at what the full moon is illuminating for us, and help us to take responsibility & do the work if we are needing to make any changes, commitments, or set better boundaries. It can also help us realize realistically, what is and is not our responsibility in terms of what we take on for others.

This is also the last lunation (new or full moon) before 2 eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio (April 30 and May 15/16, 2022). The Full Moon in Libra is a great full moon to make moon water, charge your crystals, or other full moon rituals and practices. It’s not advised we do this during eclipses. More on eclipses to come!

Overall, this is a gorgeous and supportive full moon that may bring some changes or nudge us further into growth (versus complacency). It’s packed with lots of love and wisdom to help us see what we need to do in order to be our best selves, live our best lives, and show up as our best for others. As you work with this energy, tie in compassion and unconditional love for yourselves and others while you practice healthy boundaries and accountability. 

Xoxo, Maple Eastwood

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Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses


Venus + Pluto and Venus’s Retrograde in Capricorn