Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius

May’s Full Moon will be a Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius.

The moon will be full at 5°26’ Sagittarius at 6:14am on Wednesday, May 26.

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Welcome to another exciting set of eclipses, the final pair in the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle that started one year ago (although, we do have 1 more new moon eclipse in Sagittarius this December. That’s truly the finale)! Before we talk about Wednesday’s total lunar eclipse and the solar eclipse in Gemini to follow (on Thursday, June 10), let’s have a refresher on what eclipses are all about. 

Eclipses are super-charged new and full moons that nudge us, collectively and individually, into greater alignment with our path, purpose, and destiny. Around eclipse time is where we may experience a great deal of change, pivotal events, surprises, opportunities, rejections, redirections, and realizations that move us along our destined course. It is a time where energy is electric and things are unpredictable (a little like Uranus, although Uranus is not directly related to eclipses!). The cool part is, the Universe does a lot of the work for us, we just have to be open & receptive, flexible, and pay attention to what it’s doing in our lives, ready to accept any invitations that may arrive (where do you feel like the universe is leading you??). During eclipse time, regular moon magick and manifesting isn’t typically recommended because, generally speaking, we don’t want to “force” anything around this time. Nor do we necessarily want to capture its energy in the form of making moon water or charging our crystals (but to each their own - you totally have free will! I’ll say one last thing on this: just be aware of the energy you’re working with and know how to properly use it!). Eclipse season is a time to trust in the workings of the universe and be open to any changes and opportunities that may come our way!

Eclipses are marked by the luminaries’ (the Sun & moon’s) alignment with the transiting lunar nodes i.e. the North and South Node - mathematical points that always oppose one another. We know what zodiac signs the eclipses will occur in based on where the lunar nodes are currently transiting. Since Spring of 2020, the North Node has been in Gemini and the South Node is in Sagittarius (P.S. they move backwards through the zodiac. Next up: Taurus & Scorpio). The North Node is where we’re headed or the path we are called to embrace, and the South Node is where we’re coming from or what we’re called to shed or let go of. We can also say, the North Node is what we’re growing into, and the South Node is what we’re growing out of! When we have full moon eclipses (lunar eclipses), one of the luminaries will be by the North Node, and the other will be by the South Node. With the eclipse that’s upon us, the Sun in Gemini will be near the North Node, and the full moon in Sagittarius will be near the South Node. When we have new moon eclipses (solar eclipses), both the sun and moon are aligned and, depending on the zodiac season and nodal position, will either both be with the North Node or the South Node. The new moon solar eclipse in Gemini on June 10 will be by the North Node. Let’s talk about the upcoming duo!

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Right on our doorstep is the Full Moon Eclipse (AKA TOTAL lunar eclipse) in Sagittarius. It will be exact at 6:14am central time at 5°26’ Sagittarius on Wednesday, May 26. The full moon in Sagittarius will be with the South Node, opposing the Sun and North Node in Gemini - a great combo for being open to releasing the old to make room for the new. This will be a continuation of the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse cycle that began in June of 2020. I know there was A LOT going on at that time, but think back, and utilize your natal chart (find the houses that Gemini and Sagittarius occupy for you*) to reflect on how you’ve seen any changes in those areas of life since the Spring of 2020. The eclipses ahead will be a continuation of that storyline - another chapter in your book of Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses!

As mentioned, Wednesday’s full moon is a continuation of a series of eclipses that began last Spring. However, as the ecliptic path has been working with the sign of Sagittarius (South Node in Sagittarius), the Gem-Sag eclipses we’ve experienced until now have had Sagittarius’s planetary ruler, Jupiter, in Capricorn. Jupiter is stifled in Capricorn, unable to be its big, grandiose, and abundant self, leaving Jupiter feeling limited or barren (and Jupe’s NOT a big fan of feelin’ like that!). But now, a different vibe: Jupiter is happily at home in Pisces, bringing the ruler of the full moon eclipse into a much happier and more expansive position, potentially making the energy and effects of this Sagittarius eclipse more hopeful, optimistic, and opportunistic.

As Wednesday’s Full Moon eclipse in Sagittarius meets the South Node, ask yourself what you feel like the universe is calling you to release. Don’t cling too tightly to what the full moon eclipse may be trying to remove in your life.  Instead, trust and surrender. Be open to letting go of what stands in your way of moving forward on your highest and best destined path. Be open to change if it presents itself. Two weeks after the full moon eclipse in Sagittarius, we’ll have the new moon (solar) eclipse in Gemini, uniquely conjunct the ruler of the Gemini lunation: Mercury, who will be retrograde (conjunction at 19° & 20° Gemini). This may call us to review the mindsets, techniques, beliefs, and choices we make in our path forward. Maybe we’ll get a glimpse of our past (as Mercury retrograde can bring back things, people, or memories of our past) to provide an important contrast to understanding where we’re at now, and how far we’ve come. Or perhaps, a test to see if we’re really ready to move forward into new but unfamiliar territory.

May’s Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius will be like reaching a mountaintop that we’ve worked really hard to climb. And as we reach the summit (the peak of the full moon), stop and take a look around as we now have a new vantage point to see our strenuous journey from a big picture view. I hope you see what all your hard work and struggle was for! We’ll have an opportunity to look back, look around, and look ahead - Sagittarius sees the big picture. The full moon eclipse may help us to evaluate what we’ll leave behind so we have ample room for new experiences and opportunities to come. The invitation here is being receptive to what the universe may be nudging us to let go of. And as the moon descends and the eclipse pairing commences, we’ll move towards the new moon eclipse as it works with retrograding Mercury, which will be our opportunity to review the information and plans we’ve gathered thus far, finding any areas that need to be re-adjusted or re-focused so we can carry on our journey ahead.

*Find what houses Gemini & Sagittarius reside in your natal chart (there could potentially be 4 houses, not just 2!) and check below to see if the changes you’ve experienced in the last year-ish have any correlation to the areas of life each house rules!

(note: the sign-house key below can be interchangeable. In other words, “Gemini-Sagittarius in the 1st house/7th house” could be Gemini in the 1st, Sag in the 7th OR Sag in the 1st, Gemini in the 7th. Wherever you have Gemini will be the house/area of life that you likely have experienced more growth with the North Node, and where you have Sagittarius may be where you have had endings or had to clear out the outdated with the South Node. Also, not all descriptions will resonate! Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t!)

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 1st house/7th house:

Changes and growth in your relationship with yourSelf & your relationship with others. When the eclipses occur in one’s 1st and 7th house, this often marks a significant time in one’s life in general because the 1st and 7th house (house of “me” and the house of “other”) are so foundational to our very existence (and our natal charts!).

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 2nd house/8th house:

Changes and growth in your finances, material world, what you gain & obtain versus what you have to let go of, your sense of personal value and how you share that with others, and what you own versus what you get from others or share with others (mine versus ours or mine versus yours).

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 3rd house/9th house:

Changes and growth in your knowledge, perspectives, beliefs, philosophies, the way you communicate, learn and ingest information, the way you teach & share information. Your neighborhood and immediate community, relationship with travel and foreign lands, and also siblings, or friends from elementary!

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 4th house/10th house:

Changes and growth in home and/or career, your public life vs. private life, your family/lineage, your vocation and purpose. Eclipses in one’s 4th and 10th house can indicate significant changes in one’s life because of the importance of this axis in the natal chart and one’s existence!

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 5th house/11th house:

Changes and growth in dating & romance, friends/friend-groups, how you express yourself and show up in society, your creative hobbies and passions, and possibly even children (eclipses in the 5th/11th houses may indicate having children - but not always and not limited to these houses!)

Gemini-Sagittarius in the 6th house/12th house:

Changes and growth in your daily routines and self-care, mental & physical health, what you keep personal/private versus what you bring into awareness or the physical world, your conscious and subconscious worlds and your connection to the spiritual/metaphysical.

Wishing you lots of growth, and faith as you move through change.


Maple Eastwood

Need help with your natal chart + the eclipses? Book an astrology session with me!


Solar Eclipse in Gemini


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