Full Moon in Aqaurius

Monday, August 3 at 11AM central time. This lunation focuses on individuality and your authentic path.

Monday, August 3 at 11AM central time.

This lunation focuses on individuality and your authentic path.

Another lovely lunation on the moon’s day. Monday, August 3rd is the full moon in Aquarius, which will take place at 12° of Aquarius (while the sun is at 12° of Leo) exact at 10:59am. Uranus, the planet of progressiveness and rebellion, forms an annoying square to the luminaries -- all 3 celestial bodies in fixed signs. While this full moon is not an eclipse, we should expect unstable energy due to Uranus’s involvement. Any plot twists or sudden changes of events won’t necessarily have as great of an impact (longevity-wise) as an eclipse would, but there is still potential for unpredictability as Uranus loves to shake things up! In a general sense, this full moon brings a deep desire to be different, but we may feel polarized in the we way we go about it. 

With every full moon, a particular polar axis is highlighted (two zodiac signs opposite one another). This full moon in Aquarius means the Leo-Aquarius axis will be on spotlight, and the first thing I think of when identifying the Leo-Aquarius axis is the concept of individualism, and the willingness to be set apart. Both Leo and Aquarius find fulfillment in their uniqueness and authenticity. Neither prefer to blend in or be quantified as "boring" or "basic". Where Leo would prefer to receive attention and adoration for its natural ability to stand out, Aquarius really could give a fuck less about what you think, or who is paying attention. With this lunation forming a t-square to Uranus, we recognize our need to stand out, but will we do so in a way that has been tested and approved, or will we be willing to push the boundaries and innovate our uniqueness (even if we may loose some people along the way)?

And with every full moon, the zodiacal axis being highlighted brings us a lesson in release. With the full moon in Aquarius, we are called to release our requirement for validation in our quest to fulfill our authenticity. This is an opportunity to see how you have been living your life in the eyes of others, and release any tendencies to shrink yourself or withhold your true individuality in fear that it couldn’t possibly hold any acceptance amongst the masses. Forget who you might offend simply by being you, and strive for ways to stand out instead of blend in. Take a moment to reflect on what truly sets you apart from the rest: what do you have to offer this world that no one else can offer quite like you? This full moon gives you permission to release any hesitation or doubt that would hold you back from embodying your gifts to the world. Be wild, child and refuse to be a condensed or filtered version of yourself just to make others comfortable. Your boldness and authenticity are supported by the stars. That being said - this is NOT permission to be an asshole. High-vibe Leo leads from the heartspace: the utmost embodiment of LOVE. And high-vibe Aquarius lives for the greater good of humanity. Find out how you can be the very best you, so you can be the very best for others and encourage them to do the same. 

Along with this lunation, Mercury at 28° Cancer opposes Saturn at 28° Capricorn around 4pm today. In your quest to embody the true you and hone in your individual gifts, with this, you must also remember to encourage others to do the same, even when you feel like judging them because it's not your (and that’s the point!). With Mercury opposite Saturn, you may swing towards critical perceptions or judgmental thinking. Keep your thoughts and words soft around the edges today and avoid putting pressure on yourself and others to attain your (or someone else’s) version of perfection. The thing about individuality is that it is completely subjective. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to do it. Mercury’s opposition to Saturn in Capricorn during the full moon is going to make you want to think, “Be you! Wait no, not like that.” As long as no one is hurting themselves or others, relax and just worry about yourself! (Actually, try not to worry at all!).  

Mercury spends its last 24 hours in Cancer tonight (and tomorrow). With Mercury encroaching the anaretic degree (29° of any sign), this intensifies Mercury’s Cancerian energy. Passive-aggressive judgment and sensitivity as it relates to achieving perfection & acceptance may run rampant. Emotional containment may be difficult. Again: relax, be kind, and practice patience & compassion. 

Full Moon blessings to you, dear friends.

XOXO, Maple Eastwood

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