Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini
The Full Moon Eclipse will be exact at 8° Gemini at 3:30AM Central time on Monday, November 30.
Another full moon rolls around but this one is particularly special - it’s an eclipse, ya’ll! We are stepping into the second eclipse of many in the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series that started on June 5th of this year (6 total; 1 down, 5 to go). We are always in an eclipse cycle, but the zodiac signs the eclipses occur in and how it hits/activates your natal chart will change. We just wrapped up the eclipses in Cancer-Capricorn that started in 2018, and now the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipses are in full swing (through December 2021). We can find out where the eclipses are happening (beyond a quick Google Search) if we can locate the Lunar Nodes AKA the North and South Node - the mathematic points that mark the ecliptic path of the moon around the earth. The North and South Node are always 180° apart; think of them as the poles. Astrologically, these points mark fate, destiny, and the soul’s journey. The South Node represents where we’re coming from, what we have mastered, and what we must step away from as we step into the the energy of the North Node, which is the energy we must embody or learn from in order to continue on our path forward and towards our highest destiny. Right now the South Node is in Sagittarius and the North Node is in Gemini. With these eclipses, collectively we are being called to step away from Sagittarian themes like blind faith, fabricated story-telling, propaganda, hearsay, forming belief without evidence, and adopting our opinions as a matter of fact or truth for everyone else. With the South Node in Sagittarius, we must accept that our own beliefs, philosophies, and opinions are just that: personal. Not everyone will or has to agree or think the same. What we must embrace instead is the Gemini way that says: there are multiple (and valid!) perspectives, and there is more information to be found. There is more to learn and we should push ourselves out of our comfort zones to seek more information, reach for more facts, and put in the effort to research, question, and converse in a manner that aims to gain a more versatile and varietal perspective - one that can appreciate multiple vantage points. with the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius, we must leave behind the incessant need to always be right, or to be the smartest or most experienced person in the room and instead gain connection by conversing with others and sharing ideas. Begin walking through life asking yourself, “what can I learn from others, today?” We may find that we actually gain more knowledge this way, and by learning from others who have different perspectives, we become more well-rounded, more connected, and all around better informed. After all, Gemini is ruled by the planet of Mercury, which governs mental potential, cerebral power, and our ability to ingest information and learn new things.
So now that we’ve got the lay of the land in Gemini-Sagittarius town, what about this eclipse? So, eclipses are F U N (sarcasm?) ~ you never know what you’re going to get! That’s why writing about eclipses (or reading about them) will always be slightly vague, because they are very much wild cards. We learn to expect the unexpected. But here’s what we do know: eclipses are highly connected with fate and destiny. They may bring unexpected change, but it’s better to see these changes as opportunities that allow us to take a big step towards our highest path. They are portals if you will, taking us from where we are now and catapulting us into a different lane (the lane can be an external circumstance, or it can be more internal). It may be a jolting experience, but the new lane is really where we’re better off in the long run. The cool thing about eclipse cycles is that when we reflect back on how any given eclipse cycle activated the houses in our natal charts (they are always opposing houses), we can really see this energy at work. For example, the last Cancer-Capricorn eclipse cycle from 2018-2020 activated my 4th house of home and my 10th house of career (this may be different for you). During this 2 year period of time, I moved out of the little studio I had called my own for the past 4 years and in with my significant other (and went from living in the city to living in the ‘burbs!). I also changed careers - twice! Actually, the day I became a full-time astrologer was the day the North Node was moving across my Midheaven AKA the cusp of my 10th house - the point of career. Very cool, very fated, very affirming! So as you can see, the eclipses moving through my 4th and 10th house brought some really big change - and I couldn’t imagine where I’d be without it! Look back to see what houses were activated in your chart by the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses; and look to see what houses Gemini and Sagittarius occupy for you! (if you use any house system other than whole sign, they could occupy more than one house!). The houses AKA the areas of life that Gemini and Sagittarius occupy for you will likely be where you are about to see some incredible change (and maybe you already have)!
It’s also very important that, around eclipse time, we remain incredibly flexible. We may have our plans and our own ideas for what we want the path ahead to look like, but eclipses have a funny way of swooping in and allowing the universe to be like “NOPE - better idea.” Like Uranus, solar and lunar eclipses have the tendency of being very electric and spontaneous. It’s time to let the universe take the wheel. That’s why many astrologers/witchy people will tell you NO MANIFESTING, NO RITUALS, and NO CRYSTAL CHARGING, MOON-WATER MAKING, corresponding with the new and full moon eclipses. The energy of an eclipse is too unpredictable (and even volatile) to be utilized or harnessed. It’s not up to us this round, folks. But the good news is, the universe always has our best interest in mind, whether we know it or not.
So you still want to know a little more about this full moon? Okay… think back to around the time of the first eclipse in Gem-Sag which was June 5, 2020. In addition, think back to the last time the eclipses were happening in Gemini and Sag (which was December 2010-May 2013, but the nodes were flip-flopped; NN in Sag / SN in Gem). What was taking place in your life around this time? What were the themes that were present and the changes that took place? You may see a continuation or a clarification around these happenings, as the lunation series that make up the eclipse cycles tell a great and compelling story of some of the biggest moments and magic of our lives. Some of the stories are good ones, some of the stories are horrors, but all of the stories make us exactly who we are and who we are destined to be. Eclipses are the universe helping us write the tale of our lives. Give the pen to the cosmos, sit back, and watch the series unfold.
Xoxo, Maple Eastwood
P.S. Eclipses come in pairs, so there is another eclipse coming on December 14, 2020. This one is a new moon (solar) eclipse in Sagittarius. Then, we have a break for about 6 months and the next pair comes during Gemini season: May 26 and June 10.
Want to dig into your chart in respect to the eclipses to investigate what occurred and what it meant for your life? I offer readings that can provide just that - and other astrological topics and interpretations. Tarot too! Book with me by following the link below. Enjoy 25% off if you buy before December 1 as part of my holiday shopping sale.
Use code “HOLIDAY” to receive the discount.