Full Moon in Capricorn

The Full Moon in Capricorn is on Thursday, June 24 - exact at 1:40pm Central Time at 3° Capricorn.

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The moon peaks in the sign Capricorn for Cancer Season’s beloved full moon. This is the first full moon in Capricorn since 2018 that is not an eclipse (see a table of all eclipse dates here)! Where do the signs of Capricorn and Cancer (Cap’s polarity) fall in your natal chart? What houses/areas of life do they rule for you? Take a moment to reflect on all of the powerful changes you’ve experienced in those areas of life over the last 2-3 years (and thank the eclipses for that)! As mentioned, today’s full moon is not an eclipse (phew!), but the lunation could very well illuminate the results and/or reward from the hard work, discipline, and determination we’ve invested into our life.

With any full moon, a zodiacal axis is highlighted. The Capricorn moon opposes the sun in Cancer, highlighting the Cardinal Yin axis that represents providing, care, nurturance, and responsibility. As we work with today’s full moon in Capricorn, take stock of what you have sown and nurtured. Where have you been putting your efforts, and are your efforts paying off? Do you like what you see? What are the results you had in mind and is your reality meeting and/or exceeding these expectations? Do your expectations need to be more realistic, or are you being called to dream bigger? Capricorn is a realist, but also does not settle.

Capricorn is all about work = reward. Often, this work is not a walk in the park, and the reward is not instantaneous. Capricorn understands that the work we put in now will bring rewards down the road. It’s important to note: we don’t need to think of “work” specifically or only in terms of our jobs/careers (although you can if this is what’s coming up for you!). We can simply view “work” as when and where we put our efforts and resources, which can include our energy, time, focus, care, wisdom, or anything of value that comes from you. Work can simply = effort we put into growing or improving something. What have you been working on? We can use this full moon to reflect on our efforts, applaud our determination, and celebrate our achievements/results. And after the full moon peaks and begins its descent, we can begin to evaluate what we need to let go of in order to continually cultivate the results that we know are possible!

There is more to life than “work” (labor) but indeed there is a time and place; today is a day that we call our focus to that aspect of life and understand our work/labor is a way to provide and care for ourselves and others.


Maple Eastwood

Want to learn more about how this Full Moon will affect you based on where it falls in your natal chart? Book an astrology reading with me! Choose the time and price that’s right for you and specify your custom preference in the order notes!


Venus + Pluto and Venus’s Retrograde in Capricorn


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