Taurus-Scorpio Eclipses
April 30: Solar Eclipse (New Moon Eclipse) at 10°28’ Taurus
May 15/16: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon Eclipse) at 25°18’ Scorpio
On Saturday, April 30, 2022 we had the first of two special lunations in the eclipse season currently upon us (the new and full moons of Taurus season 2022). The North and South Node (AKA lunar nodes - the mathematical points that indicate the moon’s path across the ecliptic) are currently in Taurus and Scorpio, indicating where and how we’ll experience eclipses: beginnings and endings, growth, opportunities, alignment, and changes.
Around the time of any new & full moon eclipse (they always come in pairs), we likely experience the type of pivotal shifts that life so often brings. Sometimes they are small shifts that accumulatively add up to a greater shift, or perhaps these shifts are extraordinary in-and-of themselves. For example, Eclipses are times where we may start a new job/career, begin or end a significant relationship, discover or lean into a hobby or passion that greatly influences our lives, experience changes in family, or say yes to an opportunity that leads us further down our destined path (just to name a few examples - hopefully you get the picture!).
In the eclipse cycle that we are currently in (the solar eclipse at 10°28’ Taurus on 4/30 and the lunar eclipse at 25°18’ Scorpio on May 15), we are likely moving through shifts and changes that could bring us closer to peace, simplicity, groundedness, healing, abundance, and natural or earthly pleasures (North Node in Taurus energy) but may also require a lot of letting go, grief processing, facing and overcoming fears, mending scarcity or doubt mindsets, or releasing resentments or emotional build-up (South Node in Scorpio energy) that keeps us from moving forward with a full and open heart.
The solar eclipse in Taurus on Saturday, April 30 was conjunct Uranus: “The Great Awakener.” Uranus is often full of surprises, change, & spontaneity, is a big proponent of innovation, upgrades, and revolution, and can at times bring unpredictable or destabilizing energy. With the Sun inching closer and closer to Uranus in Taurus over the past week or so, many of us are experiencing these themes in our life, perhaps specifically and simplistically themes of change - or a realization that we need to make a change. Eclipses also help facilitate this. As new moons indicate new cycles or new beginnings, this may be a time where we are beginning a new chapter - one that feels like a level-up, improvement, or advancement for your story; one that helps to move you forward.
Additionally, the Solar Eclipse in Taurus is ruled by Venus. Venus is currently in Pisces, forming its exact alignment (conjunction) with Jupiter at the time of the eclipse. Our 2 benefic planets join together to bless us with their collaboration, sprinkling love, hope, optimism, compassion, and abundance into this special lunation.
The eclipse at 10°28’ of Taurus was also in a sweet little sextile to Mars in Pisces. Any changes or forward momentum that this moon is catapulting us towards may be fueled or supported by an emotional urge or a deep intuitive knowing. This connection has ideally helped us accept change and go with the flow.
The changes, opportunities, redirections, re-alignments, endings & new beginnings that you may be experiencing with this weekend’s solar eclipse + May’s lunar eclipse in Scorpio relate to the houses Taurus & Scorpio occupy in your natal chart. Find where Taurus and Scorpio reside in your natal chart. The houses they fall in correlate to the areas of life the current eclipse cycle will prominently affect. If you have Taurus and/or Scorpio placements, or Taurus & Scorpio in the 1st & 7th house or 4th & 10th house, these eclipses may be even more significant for you!
The effects that eclipses bring can be sudden and apparent, or they can be subtle and develop over the course of the respective eclipse cycle (this one is November 2021 - October 2023). A great exercise that can really help you understand what eclipses mean and how they show up in your life is to look back. Make a list/timeline of significant life events (relationships, job changes, starting/graduating school, moves/relocations, significant travels, family things, etc) and then cross-referencing them with eclipse date-ranges (see a list of dates here - thanks Susan Miller!) and also your natal chart to see what part (houses) of your natal chart each eclipse cycle was activating, and how that correlated to the significant changes or events you’ve experienced in your life.
Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 15). This particular lunation may bring us a bit more of a challenge than the solar eclipse we just experienced, but it doesn’t make it any less valuable or constructive in your life.
Xoxo, Maple Eastwood
Want to book an astrology or tarot reading to discuss these eclipses in terms of how they relate to you?
Book a session with me!