Venus + Pluto and Venus’s Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus Rx: December 19, 2021 - January 29, 2022 from 26° - 11° of Capricorn

I’m writing about the Venus-Pluto conjunction and Venus retrograde in Capricorn transits together, because they are very much intertwined this time around. The planet of love and the planet of transformation hold their annual meeting, this time in a very unique fashion. Normally when Venus aligns with Pluto (and for the last 12 years, it has taken place in the sign of Capricorn), it’s a quick day or three ordeal. The conjunction isn’t typically felt for much longer than a few days due to Venus being one of the fastest moving planets. But alas, the Cosmos just can’t give ol’ Capricorn a break (I know ya’ll are tired!). This time, as Venus connects with Pluto once again, Venus is also preparing for retrograde. As any planet gets closer to its retrograde rigmarole, the planet begins to “slow down” (which means, it don’t transit the degrees of the zodiac quite as quickly from our perspective here on earth). Astrologically, this means something. Let’s digress.

As Venus approaches Pluto, chillin at 25° and recently out of its own retrograde, their conjunction is prolonged due to Venus’s current slow speed. We could argue that Venus has actually been conjunct Pluto (by a 10° orb) since November 21, 2021. At the very least, we started to notice the Venusian intensity knocking at our doorstep by the beginning of December. And what’s more, Venus will remain in conjunction with Pluto as Venus slows to a halt at 26° Capricorn (just 1 degree away from Pluto - that’s a conjunction, folks!). And at this 26th degree is where Venus will pivot (station) and begin to retrograde back to 11° Capricorn. But before Venus “moves backwards” towards the 11° mark of Capricorn, it’ll be buddy-buddy with Pluto until mid-January. Woof!

Before we go any futher…

Let’s lay out the facts:

Venus retrograde begins: Sunday, December 19 at 26° Capricorn

Venus retrograde ends: Saturday, January 29 at 11° Capricorn

And the conjunctions?

Venus’s exact conjunction to Pluto #1 of 3: Saturday, December 11 

Venus’s exact conjunction to Pluto #2 of 3: Saturday, December 25

Venus’s exact conjunction to Pluto #3 of 3 (with Mars now in the mix - oooweeee!): Thursday, March 3, 2022

So now that we’ve laid down the data, let’s get to the fun part: the esoteric meaning of it all.

Meet Venus:

If you haven’t met Venus yet, let me introduce you. Venus is the planet that rules the signs of Taurus and Libra. If you know anything about these two lovely AF signs, you can get a gist of what Venus is all about. Venus is the planet of love, connection, harmony, pleasure, beauty, luxury, image, aesthetic, material possessions, money, and what we deem valuable - both externally (valuable items) and internally (our value system as well as our inherent sense of self-worth & self-esteem). How I describe Venus to my clients is, “it’s what we love, who we love, and how we love.” Feel free to replace the word “love” with “value”.

In Capricorn, Venus is very much turned to the material realm. Things like work/business, money, material worth, and providing for the Self are high up on the list (and boy, do Caps love their lists!). Venus in Capricorn holds great value in the desire and ability to build things long-term. It’s Big Boss Energy. It’s focused on legacy, career, and/or sense of purpose (but not exclusively). Finding Capricorn in your chart (the house) can show where (the area of life) you take things seriously, where you want to have a stable, sturdy foundation, and/or where you have high ambitions.

As Venus transits (and retrogrades) through the house that Capricorn rules for you, you’re bound to be confronted with a sense that you need to review, reassess, refine, re-design, re-align (and any other “re” words that may seem fitting) the value you have with this area of life. This is sugar-coating this transit for sure, and while I don’t ever feel the need to frighten anyone with astrological interpretations, let’s face it: we all know Venus retrogrades can be fucking hard. They can confront us with harsh realities and/or feelings and force us to face what’s not working. Relationships (romantic, platonic, professional, etc) are often the biggest focus of this transit, but that doesn’t mean that all relationships are doomed. The ones that just aren’t working may bite the dust during a Venus Rx, but other relationships (healthy, stable ones) typically experience some bumps in the road during Venus Rx that, in the end, should bring renegotiation, re-alignment, and/or reaffirming to the relationship dynamic: putting in the work to mature in your relationships may be required during Venus’s retrograde in Capricorn. And some relationships won’t notice at all! With Pluto involved, many of us will be faced with the reality of repeated patterns or habits that ain’t all that good for us. It’s time to face ‘em so you can break ‘em, baby. More on this later.

—> It’s important to remember that planetary retrogrades don’t create problems out of thin air; what they do do is show us where the problems lie, and make these problems unavoidable so we can actually face and fix them. Same goes for this Venus retrograde, but the issues this round could be things that were once a bit more hidden and now dug up, as Pluto has the tendency to do so.

Meet Pluto:

First of all, Pluto IS a planet (I’m not sure who I’m talking to here… either NASA, or traditional astrologers, or both. Whoever’s listening). Second, Pluto is a tiny but mighty planet, ruling the sign of Scorpio. If you know a thing or two about Scorpio, you know a thing or two about Pluto. Pluto holds great depths and intensity. It is powerful, in the good ways and the bad. As astrologer Jessica Lanyadoo says, “Pluto has absolutely no chill.” (Check out Jessica’s Ghost of a Podcast episode on Pluto here - very informative and constructive). Pluto is the planet of transformation, extremes, compulsion, obsession, power, power struggles, powerlessness, fear, shame, trauma, instincts, the underbelly, caverns, darkness, depths, shadows, the root, and our personal, generational, and/or karmic patterns and cycles. Pluto holds such beautiful power when it comes to ending toxic/karmic cycles and patterns, and setting us free of what holds power over us (when we work with it intentionally). Pluto shows us our wounds and our resentments, and in the right setting, Pluto’s going to ask us not to run from these things anymore. Pluto’s gunna ask (okay, forcefully insist?) that we do the work that we need to do to finally and wonderfully heal. Like a flesh wound that won’t heal properly without the right kind of care, our emotional wounds ask the same of us. And what would a Pluto lesson be without the Phoenix rising metaphor: like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, we are reborn.

The house that Pluto is currently transiting for you (the house where Capricorn resides) corresponds to the area of life that you have likely been breaking personal (or even generational!) patterns and cycles that don’t serve you, and through that, you’ve experienced great transformation, renewal, and even rebirth! 2020’s transits (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto’s cosmic debauchery) in Capricorn absolutely emphasized this part of your chart, and brought attention to Pluto’s intention with this area of your life.

Now, Venus Retrograde in Capricorn may show us where we need to heal surrounding love, relationships, money, sense of security, a sense of accomplishment, and/or how we place our personal value in our accomplishments.

Capricorn brings emphasis to how we boss up, own our personal authority, and build a stable, sturdy, reliable foundation. Capricorn is our sense of discipline and commitment to whatever we want to build, do, grow. Venus Retrograde in Capricorn is a great time for you to review, reassess, and reaffirm what you want for yourSelf long-term in the realms of your finances, legacy, love, and the relationship you desire to have with yourself.

The flow of this transit:

Venus’s initial and elongated conjunction with Pluto at the start of Venus’s 6-week retrograde through Capricorn will set in motion a quest for transformation and healing in regards to how Venus in Capricorn is relevantly showing up for you at this time (and in your chart). Through the month of December, we may begin to experience greater intensity or an instinctual pull in these Venusian areas. This may be the rough part where we hit some bumps or face some fears or hard truths (and if that’s not coming up for you, that’s okay, too! Don’t overthink it). Once Venus is well into retrograde and separates from Pluto (mid-January), we may then be settling into the reality of the work we have to do. Once Venus reaches 11° Capricorn at the end of January - and stations direct - another amazing aspect (connection) is made, this time between Venus at 11° Capricorn and Uranus at 10° Taurus. Uranus often provides an awakening, a-ha moment, clearing, or spontaneous shift or change that is needed to progress forward. Here, we may have a chance to integrate, implement, and/or set in motion the work we’ve done, cycles we’ve ended, and patterns we’ve parted with, with our eyes set on a new path, different than the one we’ve been begrudgingly (or unknowingly) stuck in. And, it is in my very Jupiterian-like idealistic belief (as a Pisces) that once Venus passes Pluto for the 3rd time at the beginning of March, we’ll somehow be able to step into a new sense of healing and renewal. But this won’t come without the hard work. If whatever comes up for you during Venus retrograde is swept under the rug, that 3rd and last Venus-Pluto conjunction in March may not be as favorable.

The area of your chart (house) that Venus retrogrades through* will bring emphasis, review, reassessment, and potentially great healing or renewal to the corresponding area of life (once the work is done).

Take a note of it now, and come back in February/March 2022 to see how it held up!

*Find 11°-26° Capricorn in your natal chart. Need help finding it? Contact me here!

1st house: reviewal and renewal of your sense of self, personal authority, how you relate to and approach your personal path, your ego, your self-esteem, image and/or aesthetic.

2nd house: reviewal and renewal of your sense of worth or value; what you bring to the table, what you have/own, your material resources, material possessions, money/finances, and/or your relationship with food and drink.

3rd house: reviewal and renewal of your communication habits/patterns/skills, your mental space/mind, learning, education, and/or the relationship with your community, neighbors, siblings, extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins).

4th house: reviewal and renewal of your personal spaces, sense of privacy, safety, security, comforts, home, home life, family, upbringing, roots, ancestors, lineage, foundation.

5th house: reviewal and renewal of your romantic life/dating, your passions, hobbies, and talents. The way you play, have fun, and uniquely express yourself. Your own inner child, and/or any children in your life.

6th house: reviewal and renewal of your day-to-day routines, habits, rituals, health, your service to others, your job, your co-workers, boss-employee relationships (if applicable), relationship with pets.

7th house: reviewal and renewal of your relationships, the habits, patterns, and tendencies you have in partnerships (how you show up and also the type of partners you attract). Any sort of interpersonal interactions or dynamics with others (romantic, platonic, professional).

8th house: reviewal and renewal of the money, valuables, and/or resources you gain from/benefit from others, how you value others’ contributions to your life. Loans, taxes, inheritances. Intimacy, trust, and letting go (of control, of letting go of the inevitable), your intuition/intuitive abilities.

9th house: reviewal and renewal of your philosophies, beliefs (spiritual or otherwise), views, and outlook in life. Your relationship to travel, knowledge, teaching, and experiencing. How you share/broadcast your knowledge and information.

10th house: reviewal and renewal of your purpose, legacy, vocation, work/career, your offerings and how you present them to the world at large, your reputation, your goals, accomplishments, achievements.

11th house: reviewal and renewal of your gains from your accomplished goals and achievements. Friendship, friend groups and the people/networks you mingle in or associate with. 

12th house: reviewal and renewal in your inner realms, your connection with spirit, with any escapism and/or addictions, your relationship with being alone, your true inner self/inner being, the value in others understanding you & seeing you for how you truly feel inside.

Wishing you all the best through this transit. If you have any questions relating to how this transit may affect you based on your birth chart, I encourage you to book a reading with me! Follow the link below.


Maple Eastwood


The Full Moon in Libra


Full Moon in Capricorn