A New Moon in Cancer

The New Moon in Cancer will be exact at 28° Cancer on Monday July 20 at 12:33pm CST

The New Moon in Cancer will be exact at 28° Cancer on Monday July 20 at 12:33pm CST

This month’s new moon is special for a few reasons. You may be thinking “I thought we already had a new moon in Cancer this year?” And you’re right, we did! The first new moon in Cancer was on June 20, when the moon met the sun at 0° Cancer as the summer season made its debut. The first new moon in Cancer was a solar eclipse, so the energy of that lunation was unpredictable and even slightly chaotic - not energy you want to harness or use for manifesting/intention setting. But July’s new moon is not an eclipse, thank goodness (we’ve had enough of those for a minute!) and because this new moon is not only the second new moon in Cancer (Cancer is the sign that is ruled by the moon) but it is also occurring on Monday, the “Moon’s Day” we are in for a lovely treat! Tomorrow’s new moon in Cancer is a powerful opportunity for a fresh start. Embrace emotional healing and rebirth, and re-center your feminine energy in order to walk forward with tender love and care and a stronger connection to the divine feminine.

Cancer is a Cardinal water sign. It is an intuitive sign and deeply connected to the emotional realm. Cancer is the mother, the caretaker, and the nurture of others. As we collectively experience one of those most difficult years many of us have ever moved through, many of us have felt the burden of figuring out how to care for ourselves and others, and how to better understand and more effectively manage our emotions. Just like the duties and responsibilities that fall onto the mother, as we move through Cancer season, the energy we carry reflects this vibe. It has been a difficult process, all of us experiencing a range of emotions in our personal and unique ways as we try to sort through and stay afloat for ourselves and for others. I see this new moon in Cancer acting as a big, warm embrace from the mother archetype - which is what Cancer very much symbolizes and is what many of us need the most at this time. The embrace that we are collectively receiving with this new moon in Cancer acts as medicine to the harsh emotions and difficult feelings many of us are experiencing, on top of the pressure that comes with taking care of ourselves and others. Although this new moon will occur opposite to Saturn in Capricorn (emphasizing bleakness that comes with responsibility and the pressure to provide), I also feel that this new moon will bring warmth, tender love and care. With that will come compassionate understanding, and the will to move forward in a way that is soft yet responsible and protective. This new moon will bring encouragement and reassurance from the Divine Feminine as we step into Leo season on Wednesday, July 22.

On this new moon, think of it as a fresh start. Envision the most wonderful and loving motherly energy wrapping you in compassion and support to sooth you as you progress forward more healed and whole than you were the day before. New moons are just that - “new” - and you can work with this energy by setting intentions and envisioning anything you want to manifest: an experience, a goal, or a better way of living. This new moon feels like an opportunity to wipe the slate clean of any energy that makes you feel incapable, under-appreciated, wounded, uncertain, or scared. This new moon can show you that everything you need to heal and succeed is right inside of you, as the Divine Feminine resides in all of us, if only we choose to tap into her soft and resilient light. Monday’s new moon in Cancer will act as a beacon of comfort as we (literally or figuratively) dry our tears and step into the warm fires of Leo season, re-igniting our passion, determination, and confidence!

XoXo, Maple Eastwood

Maple offers one-on-one tarot and astrology readings.

All her readings can be browsed and booked by following the link below.


Full Moon in Aqaurius


Cancer Season