Solar Eclipse in Gemini

June’s New Moon is a Solar Eclipse in Gemini!

The Sun & the Moon meet at 5:53am CST on Thursday, June 10 at 19°47’ Gemini

Solar Eclipse in Gemini.JPG

The second to last eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series*, Thursday morning’s New Moon eclipse in Gemini features a conjunction to retrograding Mercury, inviting us to reflect, learn from, and gain clarity of our past to help us clearly and confidently move forward. This new moon eclipse follows the full moon (total lunar eclipse) in Sagittarius that we had on May 26 - read about that eclipse here.

What’s the deal with Eclipses?

Eclipses are super-charged new and full moons that nudge us, collectively and individually, into greater alignment with our path, purpose, and destiny. Around eclipse time is where we may experience significant change, pivotal events, surprises, opportunities, rejections, redirections, and realizations that move us along our destined course. Sometimes this change is external in the form of a move, job offer, break up, etc. And sometimes, the change that occurs is on the inside, preparing us for external changes and/or helping us integrate changes that have already occurred. Around eclipse season, the Universe is hard at work, delivering these changes and pivots as needed. Our mission is to be open & receptive, flexible, and pay attention to where we’re being lead, ready to accept any invitations that may arrive or say adieu to chapters closing. During eclipse time, regular moon magick and manifesting isn’t typically recommended because, generally speaking, we don’t want to “force” anything around this time - it is a time to stay open. Nor do we necessarily want to capture its energy in the form of making moon water or charging our crystals (but to each their own - you totally have free will! just be aware of the energy you’re working with and know how to properly use it!). Eclipse season is a time to trust in the workings of the Universe and be open to any changes and opportunities that may come our way! More general info on eclipses can be found in my blog post about May 2021’s total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

Eclipses are great for observing and reflecting. For some of us, this eclipse may be geared more towards internal change through review and realizations.

With Thursday’s magical new moon in a conjunction to Mercury retrograde, it’s even more an invitation to reflect with the purpose to gain clarity or a new/better perspective. Mercury is the planet of our mind; it rules how we think, perceive, talk/communicate, and learn. When Mercury is retrograde, it naturally invites the mind to enter a mode of reflection; we often will find ourselves reminiscent of the past, or revising something that needs another look. Take a moment to think back on where you were and what you were experiencing when the Gemini-Sagittarius eclipse series first began this time last year with the lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5, 2020. What changes have occurred since then? As you reflect, can you invite your mind to reframe, learn from, and/or gain clarity on your experience? What is the significance and value of the changes you’ve experienced over the last year?

With the new moon eclipse and Mercury in a square to enigmatic Neptune at home in Pisces, things that have seemed foggy, unclear, or misunderstood could surface around this time for a chance to understand it better. Later in the evening on Thursday (just 14 hours after the eclipse was exact), Mercury retrograde will align perfectly with the Sun in Gemini, forming a Cazimi. When a planet is Cazimi, it sits in the heart of our great Sun, receiving solar power to re-charge and re-group in those moments of perfect alignment (for a planet to be Cazimi, it has to be within 0°17’ of the sun). This will ideally support our search for clarity and fresh perspective. What is being brought to your attention today so you can see it clearly? Gemini is a sign that is mentally sharp & open-minded with the ability to easily see various view-points and different sides to a situation. We may find ourselves thinking or saying, “I hadn’t thought of it that way”, “I understand that now”, or “My experience has now given me a valuable perspective.”

Around today’s eclipse, we may be able to gain a better idea of where we’re going (or want to go) through our reflection of where we’ve been. We could gain clarity around something that allows closure. We may find solutions to an issue or mindset that had been blocking our ability to move ahead. We may gain peace of mind. How can we use our past as a learning tool to guide us forward? How can we welcome change on the inside in order to best work with change on the outside?

*The last eclipse in the Gemini-Sagittarius series is a new moon in Sagittarius on December 4, 2021.


Maple Eastwood

Want to learn more about how this eclipse is affecting you/your natal chart?

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Full Moon in Capricorn


Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius