New Moon in Gemini.PNG

The 2020 New Moon in Gemini will take place on Friday, May 22, exact at 12:39pm CDT.

With any new moon, the sun and the moon join each other in the same sign - this round is occurring in the mutable air sign of Gemini. While the North and South Node are now in the signs Gemini & Sagittarius (which would normally spark an eclipse), we actually will not get an eclipse with this new moon because the new moon is happening at the very beginning of Gemini ( 2° Gemini), while the North Node is all the way at the other end of Gemini at 29° - it is just too far away to set off a solar eclipse, but we WILL see a lunar eclipse with the full moon in Sagittarius happening in 2 weeks (at 15° Gemini & Sagittarius). 

So what about this new moon?

Generally, new moons provide calming and fertile energy in which we can set intentions and start fresh. While this new moon is taking place, however, Mercury will be connecting with Venus, who is retrograde (I’m sure you’ve all felt it by now), in Mercury’s home sign of Gemini. During their connection (“conjunction”), both planets will form an uncomfortable square with Neptune in Pisces, which creates delusion, deception, and fog. This situation is a total buzzkill to the usual serene-ness of the new moon; there may be confusion in the air and an overall frustrating or unsettling vibe. When Venus is in retrograde, it affects matters of the heart and can cause a rollercoaster of emotions. It’s a great time to remember that, although we should never invalidate our feelings, they are NOT FACTS. This new moon in Gemini calls you to focus on the facts and slice through the bullshit that is a side effect of the waves of emotions we are experiencing - what are you being shown, yet ignoring as you are lost in your waves of feeling? Perhaps you are so upset about a disagreement with a partner or friend that you can’t even see what needs to be done to remedy the situation. The new moon in Gemini wants you to see the options you actually have that lie outside of dwelling in your feelings. The all-encompassing theme of the current celestial state is that we need to work on communication. Any issues that arise this month or next are asking us to take a look at how open and honest communication may very well be the answer to our problems! Gemini LOVES information. It wants to know as much as possible - approach your relationships (or any other area of life!) in the same manner. The more you ask curious questions about the situation, the more you’ll know. And the more you share about your perspective, the more your counterpart will know! Thus you can make well-informed decisions for how to proceed because you know exactly what you’re working with. This is what the new moon in Gemini is all about - getting the facts, information, and data we need to make well-informed decisions. 

Call in openness and versatility. Be willing to look at all options and change your mind. Be willing to see things from another perspective. While this isn’t a great moon for manifesting (because of Venus Rx + Mercury & Neptune’s role in this), it is an ideal time to decipher if you are feeding yourself lies/avoiding the truth, or if you can find proof in the pudding and a solution that isn’t so complicated and actually works! (HINT: COMMUNICATION - ask questions, and LISTEN to the response).

There is also a need to ground and center during this new moon. The new moon is forming a tight trine (harmonious aspect) to Saturn, and Saturn will give us a steady and stable support beam that will allow us to approach life around this time with responsibility, tact, and discretion. This will not be a thing unless you consciously make a choice to tap into it! Although Saturn is retrograde during this time, it reinstates our need to slow down, reflect, and reassess the situation in order to take a realistic look at what lies before us. How can we fix these issues in a sustainable, responsible way? This energy supports our ability to research solutions, as long as we fully see the problem for what it truly is. As you look for solutions around this time, consider what will make the most sense and will provide the most long-term benefits. This new moon is not a time to be manifesting your wildest dreams (and you know I’m always for it!). It’s about tending to the issues right in front of you with a fact-based but flexible approach that emphasises the importance of communication and long-term sustainability. 

New moon blessings to you. I hope you are surviving Venus retrograde and I hope you are healthy and well (physically and mentally) during this unprecedented time in history (I’m talkin ‘bout the Quarentine). Be well, be love.  


Maple Eastwood

Book a personalized astrology or tarot reading with Maple by clicking the link below.  


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