Full Moon in Scorpio

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Thursday, May 7, 2020

The full moon in Scorpio will occur early morning on Thursday, May 7 - exact at 5:45am - but can be felt both on Wednesday and Thursday. This full moon will be getting some influence from Mercury in Taurus and Neptune in Pisces, who are forming helpful aspects to one another (sextile) around the same time as the moon reaches its fullness. If embraced, the Mercury-Neptune transit can be lovely - it can spark hope and idealistic ways of thinking. It can bring faith to situations where you have been experiencing doubt. The full moon will be opposing Mercury and will form a trine to Neptune. So what does this mean for this particular full moon?

Full moons, in general, are about paying homage to our abundance and blessings, and releasing what does not serve. Full moons are also great lessons in polarities. In the context of this particular full moon, we look at the Taurus-Scorpio axis. Both tied by trust and security, these two sister signs have two very different ways of going about it. Taurus approaches conservatively and practically, avoiding any sort of risk and may continuously repeat what it has always done. Scorpio, on the other hand, is more prone to follow intuition (regardless of tangible proof) and take risks or leaps of faith. While Taurus wants safety, Scorpio is more comfortable taking the seemingly “dangerous” route, or the road less traveled. Scorpio is about breaking the cycles that you repeat out of comfortability or complacency and leaning into transforming or regenerating the patterns you repeat to better suit your growth and evolution. If you ask me, this is the primary theme of this full moon. As we have the moon in Scorpio opposing not only the sun in Taurus but loosely opposing cerebral Mercury, we are faced with the decision of head vs heart. Routine and safety vs regeneration and risk. It is very easy to repeat the same patterns and cycles we are used to. Pushing ourself out of our comfort zone is scary; change is uncomfortable and growth isn’t easy - but it is always, always worth it. I see this full moon as an opportunity to release old habits and patterns that do not serve us. What are these patterns specifically? We can use our south node placement in our natal charts to see what type of energy we may be stuck in - and look to the north node placement in our natal charts to see the type of energy that we need to embody to push us outside of our comfort zones and into growth and higher purpose. This full moon in Scorpio can greatly aid in the karmic evolution of our souls.

Neptune’s influence on the full moon urges us to have great faith in circumstances where we may lack “proof.” It is a call to go within and make friends with our intuition. Think back on a time where you wish you had listened to your intuition, but perhaps because you didn’t have solid "proof" or a rational way to come to a conclusion, you choose to ignore it. How can you learn from this experience? How can listening to your instincts eliminate the opportunity for disappointment, pain, and resentment in the future? Real talk: take a look at how you may hold guilt or resentments on yourself and others, and how it could have been avoided if you were to have listened to your gut instincts. The Scorpio archetype brings gifts of insight and intuition that have our back if we choose to trust it!

On this full moon, may we express utmost gratitude for the gifts & abundance we have received throughout Taurus season. May we pay homage to the cycles that have served us and kept us safe; and let us take into awareness the cycles that need transforming. All the while, may we be committed to releasing our need for tangible, immediate comfort. May we release the incessant need for predictability and stability that inhibits us from taking risks towards growth. May we be willing to trust our instincts and our faith in order to lead us to our highest purpose. 

And as with any Scorpio transit, the concept of shadow work is valuable. As you begin to release what needs to be released, it may be accompanied by shame, disappointment, fear, or doubt. These are shadow feelings and it is in your best interest to be present with them. Sit with them, wrap them in acceptance and curiosity. When exploring the negative feelings we are experiencing, we gain higher consciousness over what we need on an emotional and soul level, and we familiarize ourselves with our triggers and weaknesses. Knowing what these are means knowing how to tame and overcome them, or at the very least, what cycles we need to break to avoid triggering them. Over the next couple of days, Mercury (rules our mind/thinking/communication) will begin to form its trine to retrograding Pluto (power, control, transformation), which is a highly supportive aspect for standing in your personal power which will give you the confidence to face your shadows. The Mercury-trine-Pluto aspect is exact at 7:17am on Saturday, May 9.

Full moon blessings to you. Love, this Lunar Scorpio <3

Maple Eastwood

Book a personalized astrology or tarot reading with Maple to gain better insight with yourself and your life.


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