Mercury’s Retrograde through Cancer - 2020

Mercury Retro in Cancer 2020 .JPG


On Wednesday, June 17, 2020, Mercury stations (pauses) at 15° Cancer and will begin its 3-week retrograde backwards in the cardinal sign of the crab. Mercury will return to its regularly scheduled motion on Monday, July 12 when it reaches 6° Cancer. So what can we expect during yet another Mercury retrograde season? Well....

ANY time there is a planetary retrograde, problems, snafus, and disruptions are bound to follow. While retrogrades rarely create new problems out of nowhere (it is usually always an existing problem that the retrograde is simply calling your awareness to, to the point of “no you can’t ignore it”), it doesn’t negate the fact that retrogrades are a real bitch. Each planetary retrograde is unique, and the areas that are amplified during retrograde pertain to the topics that planet rules. As we’ve experienced throughout the last 4 weeks, Venus retrogrades bring issues in love, relationships, and values. Mercury, in the other hand, can bring about issues with technology, communication, short-travel, details/function, and our thought processes.

Knowing about Mercury retrogrades in advance can help you prepare for SNAFU season and equip yourself with tools and tricks to stay ahead of the game. Every Mercury retrograde, we experience a “shadow” period both before (pre-retrograde shadow period) and after (post-retrograde shadow period). These shadow periods are generally 2 - 3 weeks before and after Mercury actually retrogrades. The pre-retro shadow period can give a mild-ish representation of what we are up against during the upcoming retro, and just when Mercury stations to return direct and you think you’re in the clear, that post-retrograde shadow period sets in. The post-retro shadow period is a time for integration and recalibration before our Mercurial functions return to their regularly scheduled programs, and it is advised that you still proceed with caution when unwinding from retrograde. Some people (and by some people I mean me) get hit the hardest in the post-shadow period.

Here are a list of things that you might encounter during Mercury Retrograde:

  • Technology goes haywire

  • Miscommunication / Errors in communication (especially if technology is involved) - e.g. texts that don’t send, accidentally “replying all” to that email that you only mean to reply to your co-worker, scheduling errors, misinterpretations, etc.

  • Car trouble (or anything you use for short travel)

  • Neglecting to read the fine print / read between the lines

  • Brain fog / inability to think rationally or practically

  • Old people or topics from the past popping back up (especially during a Mercury retro in Cancer - Cancer is the sign of the past / nostalgia)

  • Feeling like you are talking but no one hears you (talking into a fog/mist - typical for Mercury retrogrades in water signs)

  • Overall delays in communication, scheduling, travel, planning, etc.

So how exactly do we need to be vigilant around Mercury Retrograde? Because Mercurial functions are bound to get messy, any time you know a Mercury Retrograde is coming up, it would work to your benefit to take care of any big decisions or moves in advance (but if it feels rushed, hold off and wait until after Mercury goes direct). If there are things you just can’t do in advance, and you can’t postpone until after retrograde, make sure you put thorough thought and consideration into all aspects of any choice or decision you make. Mercury retrograde can cloud our judgment and make us skip over details or not see the fine print - if you must make decisions/changes during retrograde, be really thorough and vigilant of any errors that could occur. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s.

Another tip: try not to pack your schedule so tight - just assume that issues will arise and give yourself some extra time to work around them if they do come up. Wake up in the morning being okay if your day doesn’t go as originally planned. Double-check and re-read your messages before you send them. Slow down and reflect on any issues that come up that you can’t avoid - your attention is being called to these issues so that you can find a way to refine & improve them. Overall, Mercury retrograde is a time where we all could slow down and think things through!

I also just want to say this: don’t fear the retrograde. Mercury retrograde happens ~ 3 times a year. It simply is a part of life, and life always manages to go on! During this time, make it a goal to address (not ignore) any issues that need attention and work on fine-tuning your processes, communications, and the technology you use! 

What’s unique about this particular retrograde?

Every Mercury retrograde is unique in its own way, based on the sign in which Mercury is retrograding, and the aspects it forms to other celestial bodies. This retrograde, Merc will form a difficult square to the wounded healer, Chiron, strongest on July 1 - which is the same day the sun will cross over Mercury and thus form a square to Chiron in Aries as well. Mercury retrogrades (especially in Cancer) can bring up the past, and with Chiron in the mix, it can be painful, shameful, and traumatic memories that bubble up to the surface. We may face wounds that surround our identity, ideas, perceptions, and memories. Do your best to wrap this wounds in compassion, understanding, and a desire to learn from them and improve. Mercury will also be forming a relatively helpful aspect (sextile) to Uranus in Taurus during its retrograde, which can give us a little boost in breaking down difficult blockages and aid the expansion of our perceptions. It may also help us feel less lonely or isolated.

Once Mars, the planet of passion, aggression, forward movement, ingresses into Aries, Mercury and Mars will form an additional square (tough aspect) to one another, strongest on July 7. This could really be a frustrating or anxious energy to work with, especially coming off the lunar eclipse on July 4/5 (see below). You may be needing clarity more than ever but have a really difficult time cutting through the muck. Emotions may be volatile and on July 8 when the moon enters Pisces, you may be stuck in your feelings and experience frustration, anger, sadness, or immense confusion.

The peak of retrograde will be on July 4/5 (depending on where you live), when we experience the full moon eclipse in Capricorn. Eclipses spark fated change and can bring surprises. They can also bring anxious energy or vibrations that make it difficult to sleep, concentrate, or think clearly. I will be reporting more on this Lunar Eclipse soon, stay tuned for more info. In the mean time, find your best balance between diligence and flexibility. Show yourself utmost compassion and remember, we are all going through this together. If you encounter anyone who is being difficult, remember they are likely struggling with this retrograde energy, too. Be open to change; don’t get stuck in the past.

Blessings to you all,

XoXo, Maple Eastwood

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