Litha - Midsummer - June 20

Litha Summer Solstice .JPG

Litha is a Wiccan / Pagan Sabbat (holiday) that celebrates the first day of Summer, or the longest day with the shortest night of the year. We celebrate life, abundance, and warmth and worship the Sungod, the animals and the earth.

Celebrate today by finding joy in all that you do. Dance and laugh and play with your loved ones and be outside as much as you can! Gather with those who make you feel blessed and energized. Wear and decorate with bright colors like yellow (sunlight), blue (sky), and green (earth). Surround yourself with fresh fruit and flowers. Wear or carry stones and crystals like amber, carnelian, citrine, emerald, tiger’s eye. Celebrate good health and honor the earth and sun for giving you life, vitality, and bounty. This day is about joy and happiness - enjoy it! Here is a poem by Trish Telesco that I really enjoy.

Summer Invocation
by Trish Telesco

Fireflies and summer sun
in circles round
we become as one.
Singing songs at magick’s hour
we bring the winds
and timeless powers.
Turning inward, hand in hand
we dance the hearth
to heal the land.
Standing silent, beneath the sky
we catch the fire
from out God’s eye.
Swaying breathless, beside the sea
we call the Goddess
so mote it be!

Blessed Litha and have a wonderful summer and Cancer season!

XoXo, Maple Eastwood


Cancer Season


Mercury’s Retrograde through Cancer - 2020