Cancer Season

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The Sun enters the cardinal water sign of Cancer at 4:44pm today.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the sign of Cancer!

Cancer, as mentioned, is a cardinal water sign. Cardinal signs are great initiators; they like to take the lead and be the one in charge. Cancer, specifically, loves to take the lead in the realm of the home, nurturing, and tending to the emotional and physical needs of the ones around them. During Cancer season, we may feel a strong desire to nest. We may feel more connected to our family and loved ones, or if there are strains within those relationships, we may feel the sting of the strain on our emotional health. Cancer season is a time where we may feel more sensitive, emotionally. Cancer energy is in touch with the emotional realm, and if you are feeling particularly emo over the course of the next month, you can blame Mama Cancer! Use your heightened emotional sense to better understand your basic needs, particularly as these needs relate to your stability, security, and safety.

Cancer is the crab that wears a tough shell; the shell protects the crab’s soft interior from harsh exterior elements and many Cancerians may have strong defenses as a way to protect their soft and sensitive soul. If you are feeling defensive or like you have to protect yourself (emotionally), look at how you may be feeling threatened or insecure in your surroundings. How can your heightened emotional sense be trying to tell you something? Is something truly off? Or is the level of uncertainty making it difficult for you to understand the actuality of a situation or where you stand within a relationship dynamic, and because of this, are you sensing there may be a threat to your security, safety, or well-being ahead? Is this an accurate assumption? Cancer season is a great time to be present with your emotions and ask them questions. By asking questions, you can begin to better understand so you can soothe yourself and begin to heal. 

During Cancer season, it is a great time for you to find your sacred space. Find ways to “nest” within your home. Our homes are an extension of ourselves; a dirty cluttered home will make you feel clogged and scattered. A home that has no personal touches will make you feel disconnected, or like a foreigner in your own home. A home that holds stagnant, negative energy will make it difficult for you to think clearly, rationally, or be in good emotional health.  During Cancer season, find ways to improve how you feel in your own home. Make it more comfortable, clean (to a level that feels authentic to you), and representative of how you want to feel in your sacred space. 

Cancer season can also make us incredibly nostalgic. It’s a great time to watch old movies that you enjoyed in your youth, reconnect with a childhood friend, send a loving note to your parents or grandparents, or journal about past experiences that still may come up for you. If you can’t let go of a memory of the past, it is likely that it still holds a message and/or lesson in there for you. Don’t beat yourself up for thinking about something from the past; instead, learn from it, wrap the memory in sweetness, and ask yourself if there is anything you can understand better about this memory than you did before. 

While the Sun enters Cancer, Mars at 26° Pisces is forming a lovely aspect to abundant Jupiter at 26° Capricorn (who is currently retrograde). This aspect is exact at 6:08pm. This transit may not be felt if it isn’t intentionally embraced, but if you so choose, this transit could be lucky or create favorable outcomes for whatever your goal is for that day, or create a great sense of optimism or joy! You will feel the effects of this transit throughout the weekend!

XoXo, Maple Eastwood

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