April 2020’s Full “Pink” Moon in Libra

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The Full Pink Moon in Libra ~ The Balance Between Me & Us

Every full moon is a lesson in polarities - celebrating the differences between the themes of the opposing signs, and finding balance and mutual ground. With tonight’s full moon in Libra, balance is the focal point. The full moon is exact tonight (Tuesday, April 7) at 9:35pm CDT at 18°41’ Libra - the sign of the scales. Look to where you have 18°41’ Libra & Aries in your natal chart; that is the personal focal point in which this moon is illuminating (houses and planetary placements). This full moon is also a supermoon – meaning that the moon is at its closest point to earth and will appear larger (and brighter!) than usual. You definitely gotta step outside tonight and see this one! 

The Meaning in this Moon: 

With the Aries-Libra polarity, we look at the theme of identity and how we act in pursuit of feeling as though we belong. Aries, the cardinal fire sign, does this by prioritizing and satisfying the self. Libra achieves belonging by focusing and nurturing their relationships/partners. Neither of these are right or wrong - we need to do both - but the goal is to find a balance within the two extremes. When we continuously prioritize the needs of others before our own, we are compromising our own set of values and boundaries, and can overextend ourselves and be left with zero energy when it’s time to nurture ourselves (EVERY single person must practice self-care routinely. No exceptions, and no I am not bullshitting you). When we spend all our energy on others, to some of us this can feel really good initially (we do this for the approval of others, to appease their comfort zones and keep the relationship void of conflict – AKA “people pleasing”) over time this builds resentment, because as we continuously put out a vibe that states “I put you before my needs” we will continue to attract energy vampires that only use us for what we can do for them, and do nothing to fill our cup in return.

But if we spend too much time on Self, we alienate. We aren’t meant to be islands, and complete self-sufficiency leaves us isolated and alone. Selfishness is a toxic trait, and while this may be a defense mechanism to decrease the likelihood of being taken advantage of, you also rob yourself from the opportunity to really give and give fully to another person. Your life will lack genuine connection, and in reality, that’s not a life worth living.

Where Aries and Libra can learn from each other is the prioritization of self vs others. Aries: your true and highest evolution is to take care of yourself first SO THAT YOU can be the BEST at taking care of others. Libra: see how that works? When we take care of our own needs first and foremost, we are able to bring our full cups into our relationships and use our overflowing cup to fill up the ones we love. Anyone that does not allow you to prioritize yourself first needs to GTFO of your life - they ain’t for you because they don’t have your best interest in mind.

The goal is to fulfill ourselves first, so that we can work on fulfilling our relationships. This is true balance. Release the impulse to only take care of yourself – or – release the impulse to overextend yourself by helping others and leaving nothing left for yourself. It starts with Y O U.

Reflections for this full moon: Where/when do I put my wants before other people’s needs, and, where/when do I put others’ wants in front of my needs? 

Full Moon blessings to you and your relationships. I hope you are all well and in good health.


XoXo ~ Maple Eastwood

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