Aries Season

Aries Season - March 20 - April 19

Aries Season - March 20 - April 19

We have entered another season: Aries season. The sun moved into the powerful sign of Aries on March 20 for most parts of the world, we have likely been experiencing a boost in energy after a very draining Pisces season. Aries is a fire sign, making it vibrant, passionate, energetic. And it is a Cardinal sign, which means it’s a natural-born initiator. Aries is Mars-ruled and likes to go go go, as it usually has a lot of passion and force behind everything Aries does. 

So how does the sun in Aries translate into our daily lives, with or without any Aries placements to be activated in our personal charts? Well, when the sun enters Aries we may suddenly feel the desire to renew; that Spring-time feeling of starting over fresh; we are called to set intentions and plant seeds for the cycle to come. Aries season is a time where we may want to start new projects, connect in new ways, and create new identities for ourselves, as Aries is often associated with the self and ego. 

Be careful that you don’t start - and not finish - a lot of projects around this time. Aries can get excited quickly, but also become bored very quickly, and the lack of follow-through with Aries is definitely a concern. Find the fixed placements in your chart (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio) to carry you through. 

This Aries season we may be met with a lot more than just excitement and passion; we are experiencing some things astrologically that may hurt a bit, too. First, the asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer, is hovering at about 5° Aries, and when the sun (and moon!) pass over Chiron, our greatest hurts and wounds may be activated. Be extra gracious, kind, and compassionate to yourself and others, especially around March 23-26. Later in Aries season, The sun will form tough aspects (squares) with Pluto, then Jupiter, in Capricorn, creating a surge of intense, bold, and un-ignorable energy that feels fueled with fire (to learn more about this transit, sign up for our mailing list where you will receive an exclusive daily transit report at the start of each month).

The biggest thing we can take from Aries season is our ability to be original, stand up for ourselves and others, speak our truths, and walk with passion and zeal in the things that we deeply care about. Aries is a sign full of potential, use it to your advantage!

XoXo, Maple Eastwood


April 2020’s Full “Pink” Moon in Libra