New Moon in Scorpio

The New Moon will be exact on Thursday, November 14 at 11:06pm Central Standard Time

The New Moon will be exact on Thursday, November 14 at 11:06pm Central Standard Time

November’s New Moon in Scorpio is not only a powerful and regenerative lunation, but it holds a unique and special meaning for me because Scorpio is my moon sign. When we see new or full moons in our natal moon sign, the lunar energy is extra potent for us because of our own personal connection. Whatever rituals, reflections, or celebrations you do on your lunar new and full moons, the magic will be extra powerful and profound for you. Happy new moon in Scorpio to you, and all of my Scorpio moon sisters and brothers.

Let’s begin by talking a little bit about the energy of the new moon in Scorpio.

Scorpio holds richness and depth and is not shy when it comes to dipping into the darkness to understand the depths of what lies underneath. During Scorpio season, we’ve likely experienced a lot of upheaval and revelations, facing our fears and encountering the parts of ourselves that are raw and untamed. To aid in this, the planets of Jupiter and Pluto have collided for their 3rd and final time this year, bringing what was hidden and buried to the surface so we can (hopefully) face them once and for all. In this lies seeing the truth of our situation(s) so we can face it head on. Take a moment to reflect on the past 2 - 3 weeks of your life since Scorpio season began and we experienced the last full moon in Scorpio’s sister-sign of Taurus. What have you felt, and been able to release? Now, take some time to think about the last 6 months, looking back to what your existence was like around May 6 when we had Taurus season’s full moon in Scorpio. You may see that things have come full circle, or witnessed a culmination or solidification of whatever you may have done for that full moon this Spring. Scorpio is about deep reflection, the cycles of life, and how we transform as we go through these cycles. If you do nothing else on this new moon, take some time to reflect and honor how you have changed and evolved. Notice your strength, resiliency, and perseverance. Notice how you have honored your passion and even your divine sexual energy. Acknowledge how you have perhaps experienced (and overcome) a lot of grief. All of this is the gift of Scorpio.

With the moon’s cycle beginning again, we can use the lunar energy to reflect deeply and look at how we’d like to move forward. Acknowledge what has cumulated, and reflect on what’s next. Now in the new moon phase, we can set intentions and plant seeds. Typically, between the new moon and the full moon, we plant seeds and do the work to water them, allowing them to grow as we step into “harvest” at the full moon (using the moon’s cycles to set intentions and goals is fun, effective, and has been used since the dawn of time!). However: the next full moon is going to be an eclipse in the sign of Gemini. Eclipses can bring unpredictability, so, many advise that moon cycles that involve eclipses should be approached differently (but follow your gut). For me, I see this new moon as a good time to set energetic, emotional, and mindset-oriented intentions for ourselves, but you may want to shy away from setting tangible or measurable goals, because with eclipses, the universe can bring you plot twists that could potentially throw your plans off a bit. Again, trust your gut. If there’s something you’re really wanting, by all means - have at ‘er. This is your practice, and your life. You’re in charge!

So, in lieu of setting more intrinsic intentions, I want to call you into reflecting on the word, “fortify.” To fortify is to add strength, courage, and protection - physically, mentally, and/or emotionally. Since Scorpio is a water sign, let’s look at this topic in the realm of emotional fortification. Scorpio is a sign that possesses great emotional (and mental!) resilience and is able to withstand even the roughest of waters. It borrows down, fortifying itself with deep roots and inner strength, knowing that it is more powerful than anything that tries to knock it from its path - because it knows itself inside and out. Scorpio’s awareness is sharp and keen, and it possesses a shrewdness that makes for a fierce competitor. In a year where our strength and resilience has truly been tested, this new moon in Scorpio delivers us the ability to fortify ourselves as we sink below the surface and understand how to work the trenches so we can continue to prevail. Scorpio says: all the adversity you’ve encountered makes you stronger, not weaker. All the hardship is to show you your true courage and fortitude. You’ve made it this far; take the time to cleanse yourself and renew your strength. Purify your vessel to clear away any toxins and debris. And in this newly cleansed vessel, center yourself and ground into the present to set intentions for how you can transform all of that difficulty, adversity, and pain into fortifying yourself again. Now, you can return to life stronger and braver than ever, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes.

On this new moon and moving ahead, reflect on how you can cultivate inner strength. What do you need to feel fortified and reassured? How can you show/remind yourself of your mighty strength that you possess? Take some time to be vulnerable on this new moon, for this is where true strength is derived. It is through our vulnerability, and intimacy with ourselves, that we can see ourselves for who we truly are; peeling back the layers of our being and going to the core. What lies there? Is it stillness? Is it chaos? Is it void? Find the truth inside. Meet yourself there in your purest state, loving yourself fully and focusing on all that you’ve overcome. You can begin again. You are mighty, you are fortified, you are renewed.

New Moon in Scorpio blessings to you.

Xoxo, Maple Eastwood

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Full Moon Eclipse in Gemini

