Maple’s Musings.
The Chariot Tarot Card + Mars in Cancer
Those who are familiar with the Tarot will (likely) know that each card in the Major Arcana is associated with an element of astrology: either a zodiac sign or planet. The Chariot is associated with Cancer. It is a card of forward motion as we embark to fulfill our will. It is a card of control, focus, determination, and victory. If anything, I get big “Mars” energy from this card! So what does the Chariot have to do with Cancer?
Relationship Compatibility Session
Have you been wanting to know how compatible you and your partner are together? This reading is for you! In our session, I will pull up the natal charts and synastry chart for you and your partner and tell you what I see! You’ll get tips and pointers and be able to ask any questions you want.
Libra Season - Autumn Equinox Mabon
Read about Libra Season, the Fall Equinox, and the Pagan Sabbat of Mabon.