August’s New Moon in Leo

The New Moon in Leo will be exact at 27° Leo  Tuesday, August 18 9:42pm CST

The New Moon in Leo will be exact at 27° Leo

Tuesday, August 18 9:42pm CST

New moons are a moment of invocation, providing new and fertile energy as we begin yet another cycle. We decide what we want the next 4 weeks to look like and can set intentions to manifest our desires. New moons give us a fresh start and an opportunity to secure our objectives. 

The new moon in Leo is an opportunity to invest in our own confidence and secure our self-love as we move into the rest of the year. We only have 4 days left of Leo sunshine, and the astrology of this year is only going to get harder. Never fear, this lunation is our chance to lock in our courage and self-certainty with the power of Leo energy.  The sun and the moon are together at 27° Leo while Mercury is nestled close, at 28° Leo. These three celestial bodies aligning in the sign of Leo is a huge opening for stepping into our deepest sense of truth and expression. Leo is a sign that is regal and prefers to be dripping in gold, because Leo knows its worth and demands others recognize it, too. With Leo energy on point, we know who we are and find fulfillment in leaning into our true identity. This includes loving ourselves hard enough to advocate for our needs even if it upsets someone else. But the other piece of self-love is loving ourselves hard enough to grow.

In life, we outgrow people, jobs, circumstances, beliefs, and environments. When we realize we are no longer in alignment, self-love says “choose you.” And with Leo, it has no problem choosing the Self (and this new moon provides you the energy to do just that!) But with Leo being a fixed sign (meaning rooted, stubborn, and persistent, and not always great at change), we must also remind ourselves not to be so consumed by our ego and pride where we resist the areas in which we need to admit our shortcomings, and evolve. Leo is strongly connected to its sense of self, AKA “the ego” and while having a healthy ego is important, we are also called to look at how we can be so fixated on believing “I am who I am” that we forget that we can still be true to ourselves while we lower our ego to face our faults and commit to growth and evolution. Our ego can stand in the way of realizing it’s healthy to not be right all the time and learn from where we may have been wrong. Our ego can convince us that if we admit fault, that we have lost ourselves completely and we may never return to the rooted sense of self that we so desperately aim to have. But this is not the truth at all. By finding our areas of fault, we find pockets of growth. We can learn from our errors to become even better.

With this new moon in Leo, while you step into fully loving yourself, take a look at how you may use your ego as a defense when you feel scrutinized, insecure, or mistaken. How does this keep you from fully evolving into your very best self? Don’t deny yourself of the gift of change - commit to loving yourself so fiercely that you embrace when you are wrong so that you can work on getting it right. Changes are, others will greatly admire you for this! A phrase that I have been living by ever since I heard it is a mantra by Dr. Brené Brown that says, “I’m not here to be right, I’m here to get it right.” And that right there is a practice of unconditional grace and self-compassion while committing to bettering ourselves - which is the utmost version of Self Love.

New moon blessings to you. How can you love yourself a little more?


Maple Eastwood

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