New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus.PNG

Wednesday, April 22 - 9:26pm CST

With each new moon, tonight the lunar goddess joins her day-time counterpart (the sun) at the exact degree in the exact same zodiac sign. With tonight’s lunation, the luminaries meet in the sign of Taurus, forming their exact new moon conjunction at 3°24’ Taurus around 9:26pm central time. Uranus will be close to the sun and moon, hovering 3 degrees ahead of them at 6°24’ Taurus, blazing a trail in the beginning degrees of Taurus over the last year, preparing the energy for this very moon. Meanwhile, All 3 of these celestial bodies will form a square to Saturn at 1° Aquarius. What does this all mean for us earthlings, in layman’s terms?

New moons are a beginning of a new cycle, and are great for setting intensions. It is a great time to get clear with what we would like to invoke in the cycle ahead. Just as our moon goes through cycles, so do we. And with our own cycles, we receive opportunities to grow, evolve, and change, and if we are really tuned in and clear, we get to decide the details of that growth and evolution for ourselves!

Every zodiacal sign gets a new moon (and full moon!) every year. And each new moon is unique in itself. We can tap into the gifts and themes of each sign and use this in our new moon intentions. So, what is Taurus all about, and how can we utilize the celestial energy of this new moon to make the most out of our cycles?

Taurus is fixed earth. It is fertile, rooted, and holds incredible value, primarily in the tangible world. Taurus is ruled by the planet of Venus, which correlates to our values and the things we find great beauty and pleasure in. Venus is also the planet of abundance - the feeling of having everything you could possibly need. With every new moon in Taurus, this is a great time to honor these themes in your life. During Taurus season, I take a good look at how I personally may be living from a place of scarcity when I could be living from a place of abundance (embodying the feeling of abundance loosens the constrictive energy we are holding to allow for greater gifts and opportunities to enter!). And every Taurus season, particularly around the new moon, I look at my personal set of values (the 3 - 4 things I unwaveringly stand for) and see if the way I am living is in alignment of these values (more below, keep reading).

Enter Uranus:

This new moon’s particular uniqueness lies in the planets that its aspecting. Spontaneous Uranus is close by in Taurus, and restrictive Saturn is in fixed Aquarius, is forming a tricky, uncomfortable square with the luminaries and Uranus. We will likely be feeling a change - and it ain’t comfortable. And while Taurus energy is fixed and very much dislikes change, the only thing that is certain in this life is change itself - it’s unavoidable, so how do you choose to handle it? Everything that we know right now will some day change, and this can be very scary for a lot of people. With Uranus in the mix with this new moon, we should know to expect the unexpected. Uranus - the planet of progressiveness, disruption, and change, can be a scary energy for many. This fear is rooted in the fear of change. They face the reality that they cannot control the situation or the outcome, and they will (yet again) have to face a new unknown.

But what the medicine of this new moon can provide is drawing attention to our core values in order to be a solid foundation, an anchor to what will not change, so that we can carry with us a sense of stability and security as we face life’s changes and the shifts that Uranus brings. When we know who we are, and what we stand for, we can make better choices in times of change; choices that align with the core parts of us that we are proud of and that we hold value in. And hopefully, this is the right amount of grounding that you will need to remain rooted in times of transition. With this new moon and the current societal times, we are very aware of the future that is yet to be written. I promise you it will be less scary if you know where you stand in your own truths, so that you can be a beacon of stability for yourself and those around you.

Tips for determining your values:

1) Literally Google “list of values” - there are tons of websites that will give you a list of words to prompt you in your quest for narrowing down the 3 or 4 things that are of unwavering value to you.

2) Gather that big, long list in a spreadsheet or word doc (somewhere you can edit/delete) and work on narrowing down this list of values by eliminating the things that are not part of your core value system (this does not mean that these things aren’t important, but the goal is to pick the handful of values that are of the highest priority).

3) Write down the 3 to 4 things you value the most, and with this new moon energy abound, meditate on (write down or just think) why these things are of such great value to you. Who taught you those values? How did those that came before you carry out these values and instill them unto you? What does it say about you as a person when you uphold these values? What can you do for other people when you embody these factors? How do they make you a better person, friend, partner, colleague, family member, etc when you are in alignment with these values? AND - how can you make the best decisions moving forward to ensure that you always stay in alignment with the things that mean the most to you.

When we are in alignment of our values, we are able to fully know who we are and what we stand for and thus, other people will too. When other people know who we are and what we stand for, we become more reliable and accountable for the space we take up in this world - a stabilizing act. With this new moon, welcome in more opportunities to be of stable value to yourself and others. And figuring out the type of value you hold starts with knowing the values you hold. New moon blessings to you and yours.

Xoxo, Maple Eastwood

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Venus Retrograde in Gemini


Taurus Season