Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius
The new moon eclipse will be exact on Monday, December 14 at 10:16am Central Standard Time
All eclipses come in pairs. Just two weeks ago, we had the lunar eclipse (full moon) in Gemini, and if you’ve been sitting in some unique or unsettling energy in the first half of December, you can likely attribute it to these astro-events. If you haven’t read my piece on November 30th’s lunar eclipse yet, you can do so here. After tomorrow’s (Monday’s) eclipse, we’ll get a break from the eclipses until Gemini season 2021, with the next ones occurring on May 26 and June 10. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, I only mention because I know we’re all exhausted from the astrology of 2020 and I just wanted to mention that Monday’s solar eclipse is second to last in the series of “heavy hitting” transits this year (the last being the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on December 21. Stay tuned for a post from me about that very soon). And yet, even with no active eclipses, we are always utilizing the lessons and energy that they bring as we continue to write the story of our lives.
Okay, let’s get into it! First up, WTF is the big deal with eclipses? In short, eclipses can mark periods of great change in our lives. These changes can be external, internal, or both and correlate to our personal and collective karmic path. Each eclipse is a portal that brings us closer to our purpose and destiny. The idea here is that we find discoveries, opportunities, and growth, but the universe also wants to know that there’s not a lot we “should” be doing - how we can best work with the eclipses is to be students of what’s happening around us, calling in awareness of what’s going on in our lives and see these happenings as opportunities for growth and release. Basically, we don’t want to impose our will or force things to happen around eclipse time. Instead, we should sit back and trust what the universe is showing us, teaching us, and where it is guiding us. That’s not to say that you have to stop living your life during eclipse-time, or shy away from making any sort of decision (or become completely complacent!). Just be open to trusting that the Universe is working behind the scenes to bring you things that will aid in your path to purpose. If things are a little messy or uncomfortable right now, find solace in knowing that it’s highly likely that the Universe has got something big for you in the works. I like to see the events that occur around eclipse time are incredibly fated (if you’re a fan/follower of Aliza Kelly’s, I’ll throw in her acronym “TANC” - which means, There Are No Coincidences) and the themes, categories, or areas of life that those events occur correlate to where the eclipse(s) are activating our natal charts. The last eclipse on November 30th took place at 8° Gemini & Sagittarius, and this eclipse is at 23° Sagittarius. Find the house that those degrees fall into for you, and check to see if you have planetary placements near it (or opposing it, or “squaring” it AKA making a 90° angle to it. Geometry. You’re welcome).
Let’s look a little deeper into the energy that’s specific to the solar eclipse in Sagittarius. The sun and moon will be united (with every new moon), and Mercury (the planet of the mind) will be joining the South Node just a few degrees behind the luminaries. The word that keeps coming to mind for me with this eclipse is “freedom.” Sagittarius craves freedom and exploration, and disdains being tied down or weighted. With the solar eclipse on the tail of the dragon* AKA the South Node, we look at themes of releasing the past, ending limiting patterns, and letting go of what’s familiar. Think about this: in terms of freedom, what keeps you from it? Working with the energy of Sagittarius, and because Mercury is here, too, this eclipse will be a great time to reflect on how our mind may be limiting. Look at your communication habits, the way you perceive and process information, the beliefs and opinions you hold, and the stories you tell yourself. This eclipse is helping us discover what needs to be cut loose, and what areas need to be upgraded. Unhelpful habits, patterns, and auto-pilot behavior may present themselves so we can see the cycles that we need to move away from.
Let us look at how we may assume before we get all the information
Let us look at how we speak before we think
Let us look at how we tell ourselves we can’t do something or be somebody because we perceive ourselves in a certain way (this can also be based off of other people’s opinions/projections that we’ve taken on as our own!)
Let us look at how our philosophies or world views may be based only on our own personal experience
Let us look at how we avoid learning/asking questions in fear that we may discover we were wrong
Let us look at how we avoid speaking our truth in fear that we may be wrong
Let us look at how we may run away (check out/disassociate) instead of engage & take accountability
Let us look at how we adopt other people’s opinions/beliefs as our own, even though they may be unauthentic or harmful to ourselves
Let us look at how we may refuse to look at another’s point of view because it doesn’t align with our own
To name a few; there is so much more - what is unique to you? Use this lunation to understand what weighs you down, holds you back, and keeps you from feeling free. What is the universe showing you? What information are you being handed that could guide you into growth? We cannot grow if we do not prune; use this eclipse to prune away the limitations of your mind. Activate your potential by acknowledging what needs to go.
P.S. Remember - eclipses are not ideal for magick/spell work, charging crystals or magical tools, making moon water, or manifesting.
*read the legend of Rahu and Ketu here
Maple Eastwood
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