Capricorn Season
Capricorn Season: December 21, 2020 - January 19, 2021
Happy Capricorn Season, everyone! We’re actually about a week in to the Season of the Sea Goat, but the summoning of the season was a bit overshadowed by a once-in-a-lifetime transit: The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius. With both Jupiter and Saturn hanging out with Pluto in Capricorn all damn year up through mid-December, we’ve gotten pretty familiarized with the extremes of Capricorn energy (astrologers knew 2020 would be a doozy, largely because of the way these 3 planets were going to interact with each other in Capricorn). Now with 2 out of the 3 slow moving heavy-hitters out of Capricorn, we can look at Capricorn season a little differently this time. Still Cap-y, but not quite as soul-crushing or bleak. The Sun moved into Capricorn on December 21st, and will remain here until January 19. Mercury joined (actually, Mercury ingressed first) on December 20th and will zip out of Cap and into Aquarius early morning on January 8 - not without passing over the social gas giants, Jupiter and Saturn. As Mercury does so, he’ll pass the baton to our lovely lady Venus who will enter Capricorn on the same day that Mercury leaves. Venus will stay there throughout the rest of the month.
During Capricorn season, the energy abound wants us to set goals, boss up, and root down. With every astrological season, even non-natives to the zodiac sign may have the opportunity to adopt, learn from, or lean into the characteristics of the highlighted sign. Here’s the tea on Capricorn.
To cover the basics, it’s a Cardinal Earth sign - it likes to take initiative, be a leader. and work hard at anything it does. Capricorn is known for being highly grounded, practical, and pragmatic. Cap’s got that “work first, play later” type of attitude! Capricorn has incredible standards, not only for itself, but everyone around them. Saturn-ruled, this sign functions greatly on discipline and has an astounding aptitude for responsibility. Highly realistic and potentially guilty of pessimism, Capricorn is no-nonsense (and could manage to lighten up once in a while). Cap may not be the most lively or carefree sign in the bunch, but Capricorns do possess this certain quality of humor that I just love; dry, sarcastic, dark, and occasionally self-deprecating. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but Capricorns really all that aren’t interested in that, anyway. Just as long as you respect their hustle and grind and take care of ya own bidness.
Speaking of hustle and grind, Capricorns also know how to play hard when the work is done. When Cap feels like they’ve achieved something to the level of their standards, they thoroughly enjoy a well-deserved reward, whether this be throwing back a few pints, treating themselves to a luxurious purchase, or jetting off to a well-earned vacation. Capricorn is a money sign (earth signs rule the material world), and most Capricorns seem to have expensive taste. They have a love for money - working for it and obtaining it. Sometimes a bit materialistic, Capricorns can benefit from remembering that there is so much more to life than the zeros in their bank account, the brand of clothes they (or someone else) wears, or the caliber of their home (and it’s okay to appreciate this, too, as its often a display of their work ethic and achievements). Quality is certainly a focus for Caps - and when kept in healthy balance, this is one of my favorite things about them!
Ruled by the archetypal sea goat, Capricorn (like goats) has the ability to climb up to the highest mountaintops with ease, representing Capricorn natives’ ability to succeed and overachieve, and their constant desire to top their last objective. When a Capricorn sets their sights on something, they know exactly what to do and the discipline/hard work it takes to accomplish it. I personally love using Capricorn season to nail down my goals (specifically new year goals) and establish realistic and concrete plans for how I will go about achieving them. Sagittarius season shows us how to have big dreams and aim high, and with Capricorn season to follow, we can take these dreams and make them into accomplishable goals. Capricorn instinctively knows the best systems and structures to implement, and isn’t afraid to make some sacrifices along the way. Capricorn can be a little relentless and unforgiving; Capricorn natives put a lot of pressure on themselves to perform, and seem to be deathly afraid of failure. If you’ve ever met a “lazy” Capricorn, I’d be willing to bet their lack of progress purely is due to their fear of failing and what failing might say about their character, NOT because their lack of desire or actual ability to achieve. May all you Caps be reminded that you can do and do well anything you put your mind to doing. What’s standing in your way most of the time is likely harsh self-doubt based on a perfectionist attitude - it’s rough going out there but you can prevail over your own inner critic! Capricorns hide it well, but can be very unsure of themselves. In reference to the sea goat, the “sea” portion of this metaphysical creature is the depiction of the half-goat, half-fish’s fin-like tail. This allows the sea goat to dive down deep and navigate the waters. The element of water represents our emotions, and while Caps do well with shutting theirs away, it certainly doesn’t mean they don’t possess them. When it comes time to opening up the rivers of their emotional realm, the tail of the sea goat aids in their navigation. The sea goat also suggests Capricorn’s ability to thrive in any inhospitable environments - nothing is quite as tough, resilient, and multi-faceted as a Cap.
“The sea goat symbol teaches us that we can only fulfill our highest aspirations by learning to express from the depths of our soul. The fused nature of this symbol tells us that this is possible. You can find a way to integrate your essence with the world as you “grow up”. You can find that which theologian Frederick Buerchner described as “the place where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” - ChrysalisSpinner,
Xoxo, Maple Eastwood
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