Full Moon in Aries


We kick off the month of October with the full moon at 9° of Aries, exact at 4:05pm CST.

Fun Fact: October 2020 has TWO full moons! We see 13 full moons in a calendar year, so each year there is one month that gets an extra full moon - this is where the phrase “once in a blue moon” comes from! The second and “blue” moon of October will be on Halloween (how witchy!). That will be an interesting full moon, but that’s a story for another time. October’s lunar book-ends are certainly indicative of the cosmic intensity of this month alone.

With Mars retrograding through Aries, forming tense squares (90° aspects) to those three buggers in Capricorn (Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn), we are already dealing with tense Cardinal energy. Why not throw a full moon in there? With the sun in Cardinal Libra, and the moon in it’s counterpart of Cardinal Aries, we are seeing a lot of action in 3 out of the 4 Cardinal signs (only Cancer is missing out. Be thankful to sit this one out, Cancer! You had your time this summer).

The full moon in Aries is conjunct Chiron, the wounded healer, just 2° away. The Aries lunation may highlight our personal (metaphorical) wounds, and cause our egos to flare up in order to protect our wounded-self. Each lunation holds a special energy, and this one is may not be the most pleasant. But we have a little help with today’s energy from Venus at 28°-29° Leo, attempting to assist Mars Retrograde at 25° Aries, with its cheerleader-like attitude, sprinkling as much love and optimism that it can with what its working with. The ability to tap into self-love is possible, you just have to commit to doing so! 

Cardinal energy is initiating, and full moons are releasing, so we can make the most of this lunar energy by taking the initiative to release what is keeping us from our best selves. What comes to mind? Let’s look at what Libra-Aries can teach us. This axis is about identity; Aries forms identity through the Self, whereas Libra forms identity through the other/partnership. We may feel pushed and pulled by doing what’s right for ourselves versus doing what others want or expect of us - i.e. feeling selfish v. selfless. We may face how we let our ego & insecurities stand in the way of forming healthier relationships with others, and how we may compare ourselves to others, especially their wins & losses. Aries is highly competitive, while Libra would prefer that everyone just has a fair and equal shot. This is an excellent time to face the challenge of dismantling this assumption: by others winning, you lose. Meditate on how competing with others shows up in your life, and how, societally, we are consumed by thinking that we cannot all win. The success of someone else does not mean a lack of success for you. Take some time with this full moon to release any part of your ego that thinks otherwise. This is deeply ingrained into American society and culture, and perhaps elsewhere, too. And if we are going to utilize the initiating Cardinal energy and the banishing elements of a full moon, let us all take the initiative to live a little more like Libra - where we are supporting others and having faith that others will support us as well. That WE are stronger together. This will likely be difficult and painful to face as we sort through the deep wounds that keep us in need of the validation that comes with dominating others. Because of Chiron’s role in this lunation, it will cause us to face our identity-wounds of failure and loss. Do so in a compassionate and elegant way.

Because, all Chiron wants is to be healed. And we cannot heal Chiron if we meet this wounded energy with resistance. Let the full moon illuminate any shadows of our soul and psyche that want to remain hidden and meet it with light and love. Acknowledge where this pain comes from, honor it, and release it so that you no longer have to be in competition with everyone, or yourself. Libra asks that we walk through life with unity instead of being at war with those who (seemingly) oppose you, or are working towards the same goals as you. What triggers your defenses and why do you fear another’s win? Meditate on this, search your soul, re-discover your past, and meet all of this with compassion and healing. We can all win.

Xoxo, Maple Eastwood

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The New Moon in Libra


Relationship Compatibility Session